Monday, May 31, 2010

Summer 2010


So far this summer has been nothing like I planned. And I regret not getting on here to write as much as I should be. Anyways, here's an update:

I spent the first few weeks of the summer filling out job application after job application. I filled out a total of like 63 I think. It's all I did. And when I wasn't filling out job applications I was busy stressing out about the huge 'What Ifs' if I didn't get one. Basically I worked myself into quite the mess.

However, during these first few weeks I did have some pretty nifty distractions while not having a job. Everyday from 8am to 1pm I was at Ring Lardner Middle School teaching choreography to the choirs for their huge spring show. I was doing 4 hours of choreography each day! This was a ton of fun as I love the kids and they are a blast to work with! The show ended up going really amazing as well! Unfortunately, as a consequence for doing lots and lots of choreography everyday with no real rest, I ended up giving myself a terrible case of Tendonitis in my left Achilles so now it hurts to do basically anything. Major Lame.

Eventually, I did get a call back from a couple places I applied to, and I'm now working at Taco Bell and Payless Shoes. Both places are good jobs, I'm just going crazy trying to schedule work between the two places and soon I'm going to have to schedule in rehearsal time for the show I'm doing this summer. Basically, I'm going to have no free time! This week alone I'm working 44 hours!

On the lovely date of May 14th I got a lovely visit from a very lovely man; Zakk Saam came to visit me, My Love, My Superman. I hadn't seen him for a full 3 weeks, and currently that has been the longest we have gone without seeing each other. Trust me, it sucks big time! He means the world to me, and having never done a distance relationship before, this is horrible to me! Everyday I'm going through withdrawl symptoms. He is my drug, basically. But, it's a good drug, I assure you!!! We spent a lovely weekend full of movies, TV, cuddly, napping, music, writing, and laughing :) It was great, and well deserved, I think. Unfortunately, right now it's not looking like I'm going to get to see him until July, which majorly sucks! That'll be a whole month and a half without him, and that reeeeeeeeeally sucks. But, hopefully with my jobs it'll distract me enough.

Recently I've been having a lot of issues with my Anxiety and my Depression, and it's been really stressful and hard. I need to spend some time really working on me this summer. It's hard, because I'm having to go through this without meds because I'm trying to get off them, but yeah. Hopefully I'll figure out my own type of therapy that'll get things back to how they should be.

So yeah, there's a quick update!!!!

Oh, here's a shoutout: I LOVE YOU SUPERMAN!!!

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