Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm on a Boat!!!.....I mean, Mission...I'm on a Mission!


Not that it really matters, but I just typed up a really long entry and then the Internet gods decided they were going to be all high and mighty and delete so that all the people who don't read this blog won't get to see it.


So, here's the shortened entry.

I finally figured out what's been getting me so anxious, paranoid, panicky, and nervous. And you know what??? There isn't a fucking thing I can do about it! Which sucks. But at the same time, it's slightly comforting, because knowing that there is absolutely nothing I can do about it means that I'm not doing something that I could do. So that's put me slightly at ease. Like >.01% at ease....but still, it's something, right???

On another note, I am slowly coming up with a list of goals for this summer, and here is the list I've compiled thus far:

-Finish editing Milk Nights for the last time!!!
-Finish the first draft of Indie-A-Go-Go
-Start/Finish the Mordred Screenplay
-Play piano everyday and start writing songs again

As I work on each of these goals I plan on writing about it here....not that anyone reads this, but at least it'll be fun at the end of the summer to go back through these posts and watch my progress. But mainly, my goal is to start writing again. I used to write all the time, and get in trouble for doing it in school...writing was fun for me, and I've never been really good at something, but writing was always something that I was at least decent with. I don't really plan on publishing anything, or filming anything or performing...I know I'm not good enough for that, but it'd be good for me. And it'll bring the creative side of me back, and I need that. I'm sick of the serious shit. It's no good for me.


  1. If you want people to read it. Post on facebook the link to the blog everytime you write one. Just sayin...

  2. I do...People just don't care.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
